What to Know About Chemotherapy and Heart Failure

What to Know About Chemotherapy and Heart Failure

The majority of chemotherapy patients do not experience heart failure. Certain chemotherapy medications, however, may greatly raise your risk of heart failure and other cardiac issues. Although chemotherapy is an effective cancer treatment, there are significant dangers and adverse consequences that must be considered, such as the possibility of heart failure. Learn more about the … Read more

What’s the Difference Between Hemorrhoids and Polyps?

Although the symptoms of hemorrhoids and polyps can be similar, they are very different in terms of their nature and locations. Veins in the lower rectum and anus that swell due to straining or increased pressure are known as hemorrhoids. Unusual growths called polyps on the lining of the colon or rectum have the potential … Read more

What Can You Expect from a Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy?

What Can You Expect from a Tonsillectomy and Adenoidectomy

The removal of the palatine tonsils on either side of the throat is known as a tonsillectomy. The adenoid glands behind the nose at the back of the throat are removed during an adenoidectomy. There are two surgeries to remove glands from your throat: tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy. Although they are occasionally done on adults, these … Read more

What Is Podagra Gout?

What Is Podagra Gout

One kind of gout that hurts the big toe joint is podagra gout. It is brought on by an accumulation of uric acid in the joints. While there are medications available for treatment, dietary and lifestyle modifications can significantly lessen flare-ups. A kind of gout known as podagra, or “foot trap,” affects the joint where … Read more

What Is the Incubation Period of Tuberculosis?

What Is the Incubation Period of Tuberculosis?

If left untreated, tuberculosis (TB) is a highly severe and infectious disease. Although tuberculosis (TB) can remain latent in the body for decades, it can only spread when symptoms are present. People can contract tuberculosis (TB) by breathing in the disease’s particles, which typically induce respiratory symptoms akin to those of the flu or pneumonia. … Read more

What to Know About Nasal and Paranasal Tumors

What to Know About Nasal and Paranasal Tumors

Tumors of the nose and paranasal sinuses begin in and behind the nasal canal. Long-term exposure to smoke and other pollutants, such as textile dust, may raise your risk, albeit they are not very common. These growths may be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). If a benign tumor presses against your eye or blocks your … Read more

What Is Ectopic Atrial Tachycardia?

What Is Ectopic Atrial Tachycardia?

The upper chambers of the heart are impacted by ectopic atrial tachycardia, which results in a higher heart rate than typical. The prevalence of this kind of arrhythmia is higher in younger adults. Medication or specific medical treatments can be used to treat it. An arrhythmia is a collection of conditions characterized by an excessively … Read more

What to Know About Arrhythmia Surgeries

When treatment with medicine and lifestyle modifications fails, a doctor may suggest surgery to treat arrhythmia. The goal of all arrhythmia surgery procedures is to get the heart back to its normal rhythm. A disorder that alters your heartbeat’s rhythm or pace is referred to as an arrhythmia. Your heart may beat erratically, quicker, or … Read more

Can Steroids Treat Bronchitis?

Can Steroids Treat Bronchitis?

Acute or persistent airway inflammation is known as pneumonia. While they shouldn’t be used for acute bronchitis, steroids can occasionally be helpful for chronic bronchitis. Acute and chronic bronchitis are the two basic forms. Although the cough can persist for several weeks, acute bronchitis usually lasts for seven to ten days. Productive coughing is one … Read more

What Is a Sialendoscopy?

A minimally invasive treatment for several illnesses of the salivary glands is sialendoscopy. While there are benefits over open surgery, it is not suitable for all problems related to the salivary glands. One method that can be used to diagnose and treat diseases of the main salivary glands is sialendoscopy. The floor of your mouth … Read more